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Battle, HP & Hunting systems

Here you can find out how HP, battles and hunting works in The North Star!

HP System

Each rank has it's own set of base HP. However, this HP can rise or lower due to plots or events (for example clan wide illness). Leader's, sage's and deputy's health is determined by their age. For example an elderly leader in Bearclan has elder hp. The resilience skill also changes your set base HP.

Max HP
Kit -  5 HP
Apprentice - 15 HP
Warrior/queen/den dad  - 20 HP
Senior warrior/ senior gueen/den dad - 25 HP
Elder - 15  HP


To get your HP back to max, you must visit the Sage's den. Either have a full rp, or just write up a daily of them visiting the sage!

If you end up finding yourself in a fight, there are two ways to roleplay the scenario. Either determine with your roleplay partner the end result of the said rp, or use a dice rolling system for extra fun! In the latter case you can find an in depth guide on how the dice rolling bot works in the server.


For now, here is a simplified version of the guide.

Once your character enters a fight, you roll a dice using the #bot-things channel to see which one of you goes first. The one with a higher number goes first. Then you roll if your attack lands. You roll a D20 and if the outcome is 1-10 your attack fails. If the outcome is 11-20 your attack lands. The Stealth skill changes these requirements.

Then you determine how much damage your character does with the attack.

Apprentices roll a D4

Warriors, sages, deputies and leaders roll a D6

Elders roll a D5

And leaders and deputies do a coin flip where;
Tails = 0  extra damage point
Heads = 1 Extra damage point

Battle System

If your character has a positive ''speed'' skill, you are rolling with an advantage when rolling for initiative. This means you roll twice and pick the higher number as your initiative. 

If your character has the negative effect of the skill you roll twice and pick the lower number. 


If your character has a positive ''stealth'' skill, your attack roll needs to only be 9 or higher to land. You roll only once.

If your character has the negative effect of the skill, your roll has to be 13 or higher. You roll only once.


If your character has a positive ''fighting'' skill, you are rolling with an advantage. This means you roll twice and pick the higher number of damage. 

If your character has the negative effect of the skill you roll twice and pick the lower number. 



Using the #Bot-things channel, you can give your character some flare for their daily interactions in the form of the Hunting System. There is an in depth deskription on the server under #Hunting-guide on how to use this system, but here is the shortened version. 


There are two types of hunts; single and group. They follow the same basic idea. 


First you roll a D20 using the bot, to determine if your character finds anything. You have three chances. Anything above or 11 means your character managed to track down prey! This means they can have anywhere from 0 to 3 pieces of prey.


This is where the single and group hunts differentiate. During single hunts you roll again a D20 to determine if you catch what you found. Anything above or 11 means you catch it. Then you roll using a required dice based on the number of prey items available to your clan in the list provided in the Hunting Guide. 


During group hunts after you have successfully tracked down your prey, you initiate combat. This works similar to the battle system. 

If your character has the ''tracking'' skill, you are rolling with an advantage when tracking. This means you roll twice and pick the higher number of damage. 

If your character has the negative effect of the skill you roll twice and pick the lower number. 


If your character has the ''hunting'' skill, you are rolling with an advantage during group hunts, when doing damage to the prey. This means you roll twice to see if your attack lands. 

If your character has the negative effect of the skill, you roll twice and pick the lower number. 

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