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The Determined and Loyal

''In heritage and pride we trust''
mooseclan icon_edited.png

Typical build

Brown and colorful pelts, often striped or dotted, long legs and muzzles, elegant/lean frames.

Oriental shorthair & turkish angora inspired.


Typical Height

Height from the floor to where the shoulder meets the neck.

Male - 23-33cm

Female - 22-28cm


Typical names
Fern-,  Birch-,  Aspen-,  Red-, Sparrow-


Typical prey

 Small rodents, pheasants


Typical predators

Badgers, foxes, raccoon dogs


Typical skills

 + hunting , + tracking

- lore master, -stealth, 



Loyality, hard work, the leader and deputy



Mooseclan territory is mostly made out of beautiful birch forests. Other soft leaved trees like aspen, willow and elm grow in the territory as well, but they are most known for their beautiful birches. Long blades of grass, bushes and fields of ferns and bracken dominate the foliage.  The territory is quite beautiful during Green Leaf, but oddly barren when snow falls and kills the lush forest.


Their territory is bountiful with food and soft moss to line their nests, but the thick undergrowth makes it easy to come under forest blindness if you aren't sure where you are going. The land is mostly flat, with few brook there and here, but during winter you can see much farther. 


The trees thin out as you go closer to Swanclan's border, and thicken and start to grow evergreen trees as you approach the Bearclan border.


Clan description

Mooseclan is made of the cats that admired the huge moose that lived in their territory. They happened to walk on the moose as they started to gather for mating season, and the males started to fight. Amazed by their sheer size and willingness to fight. they decided to to form their clan like that - with one strong male on the lead. 


This sexist tradition over time turned into nepotism, when one of the ancient male leader had several daughters and no son to take the leadership mantle. He decided that as long as the next leader shared his blood and were the first born of their litter, they were granted the title  True heir


In time this means one family line has ruled over the clan. The position of leader and deputy passed down generations, only having cats outside of the family be deputies temporarly. Mooseclan is the only clan with this kind of ''roalty''.


The other clans see their way of leadership as unequal and cruel, but are too tired to point it out anymore. To other clans it is much wiser to leave Mooseclan to their own devises, and wait for them to tear each other apart. 


Unique traditions/quirks


_Heir and True Heir_

Heir is a first born cat of their litter, who shares the blood of the original leader. There can be a lot of heirs in the clan.


True heir is a first born of the litter, who has the blood of the current leader or deputy. Heirs can be updated to this position if their parent becomes a leader.  True heir's have a stronger claim to the leadership position, as they are closer in blood to the leading family than other heirs.


Siblings of true heir's are seen as normal warriors, but often with special privildges as they are partly roalty themselves. They are usually used as political pawns for Mooseclan, in political mateships or forced into the sage role. They live a life of luxary, often not having to train, hunt or fight as much as the others.


True heir's are often trained by the leader or deputy. They are always made the deputy, even if they haven't trained an apprentice.



A heir can be the current leader's sibling's first born. 

Leader can have multiple heirs, if they have multiple litters -> the deputyship usually goes to the eldest. 

More distant heir (leader's cousin's child) can become a deputy if needed or wanted by the leader.



A title given to a warrior or a senior warrior who is expectionally brave and loyal to the royal family. The deputy or leader can grant the title and assing them to a heir, true heir or to themselves to guard. Lionhearts often become temporary deputies.



Cats who are capable of producing heirs or true heirs (heirs and siblings of heirs), are often betrothed to other cats early in life to ensure that there will always be an heir. Other cats might also be betrothed, in hopes of making strong children. 


_First born prefference_
First borns of the litter are seen as special, as they were the first ones to battle their way out of their mothers. They are seen as blessed by Itha, for they are the strongest and bravest of all of their siblings. This applies to all cats in Mooseclan, not just the royals.


_Small birds not part of the diet_ 

Because of Moosclan's lush forests, they have a lot of birds. Mooseclan however, believes the most strongly about Soul Birds and often wont allow small birds to be hunted or killed .They are often afraid of killing Itha's messengers and thus remain from eating them altogether.  


_Multiple mates_

Mooseclan is known to having a lot of poly relationships and loose, undefined relationships. You aren't looked down upon if you have children without a mate.  


_Heir marking_
To identify an heir, mother may often gift the heir with an accessory at birth. More cruel parents may wound their newborns with unique scars to show their right to the leadership position. 


Other queens can mimic what the 'roayl' family does and also scar or gift their first born.


_Antler collecting_

Mooseclan cats like to collect the fallen antlers of deer and moose. They use them for decorations and chip off bits for piercings. 




''Stick head''

The other clans, and some Mooseclanners themselves, like to call them ''stick heads''. It's an endearing nick name, thought it can be used as an insult for their stubbornness. 




Recent previous high ranks

*From oldest to most recent. These are not all high ranks that have been. Click the title to view detailed description of the latest ranks. 


Leaders- Antlerstar (he/him), Fawnstar (she/her), Wildstar (she/her), Doestar (she/her), Deerstar (she/her) Littelstar (she/zer)


Deputies - Oakbounce (he/him, died) Elkbones (he/him, temporary deputy)


Sages - Sprucenose (she/her), Mudtail (he/him), Sparrowdaisy (he/him) Foxberry (he/him), Dapplefern (she/her)

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The camp


Deep within the beautiful birch glade, is a sudden dip in the ground. From the canopy it looks like Itha themselves scooped a pawful of earth off from the ground. It's well sheltered and safe from the weather, but is hard to defend from attacks, and even easier to lose if you are unaware where you are going. One wrong step in the thick undergrowth and you can plummet to your death.
Antler Tree
Near the middle of the camp is an ancient birch tree that has fallen over from the stump and snapped in half to an upside V shape. Dried and whitened over time, it now resembles a broken antler. Beneath the tree grows brambles, ferns and ivy, making it a lush den for the leader and their family to live in. Royals spend their entire life in this den, never sharing a den with their clanmates unless needed for warmth. The clan leader makes their announcements from this tree. 


Warrior's den
Warrior's den is in a wide and low bush, made of overgrown bracken and brambles. It grows over a small dip in the ground. It can easily flood, so the warriors have enforced it with sand and mud on the walls. 
Apprentice's den
Apprentices sleep near the Antler Birch in a bramble bush near another birch stump. The stump is hollow and often used as a playground for practice. The den is rather small and usually not that well kept, but the apprentices enjoy it anyway. 
Elder's den 
Elders reside in a comfortable old fox den near the sunny side of the camp. The fox den is lined with soft moss, bracken and feathers for the elders. The earth around the den is mostly soft sand, so it is pleasant for their old bones.
Queens, den dads and kits reside under a large birch tree's roots, in an old badger deb. The den is often dark and warm as the ground and walls are lined with moss for the kits. Roots grow from above them in the ceiling, so queens like to dangle feathers from there. 
Sage's den 
The sage’s den is off from the clearing at the side, behind a thick wall of bracken and ferns. The brackens act as a ceiling to the clearing that spreads in front of the sage’s den. During warm seasons patients sleep here while the sage themselves and their herbs reside inside of an old fox den. During cold seasons when the brackens die, the patients stay inside the den with the sage. The fox den has been dug wider and wider over the seasons, resembling now more of a cave than a tunnel. 


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