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Starclan and faith works a bit differently in the group than in the book series. 


When a cat dies their soul goes to Starclan, where they live happily and unable to easily communicate with the living. Their soul marks a new star in the sky and constellations are believed to be great warriors, leaders and sage's of the past whose lives were so great they earned more stars at death. Their souls never fade and they can not die. Reincarnation is possible, yet extremely rare, as Itha almost never grants them.


The clans believe that trees represent the world- the canopy, or Upper, is the world of Starclan and Itha, the endless and vast sky where your soul travels after death, carried by a soul bird. The roots, or Below, in the other hand is thought to be a strange place of death, decay and where your body's eventual resting place.  The trunk, or Middle, is the physical reality where the powers of Upper and Below meet to create the physical world. 


Soul birds are often small birds like jays and chickadees, that hold the soul of a Starclan cat. This is the only way for a spirit to physically manifest in the Middle- unable to communicate, but able to aid if Itha wills it. 


Sometimes really ancient spirits can manifest in the mortal realm as ghosts, or visages. Mostly they are just whispers in the cat's ear they want to visit. Only cats with a highly strong connection to Itha can see them. 



Godly beings with immense power. Masters of their own realms and thus bound to them forever.



Itha has had many names over the generations, but the most used one is The Great One or their true name, Itha. 


Itha is to be believed to be the maker of all cat kind, their protector and guiding paw. They are a God of spirituality, omens, creation, souls and the sky. They are in charge of making new souls and without them cats would birth only death. They control the weather and are associated with storms and natural disasters. If clouds cover the north star during a gathering, it is Itha who is behind it. Itha's realm is The Upper, where Starclan's hunting grounds are.


Itha is the source of all omens and prophecies, and they send Starclan cats as messengers to speak their will to sages, leaders and chosen ones. They themselves only appear to few selected mortals. 


They are a shape-shifting God, but they are often seen as a huge lynx, with stars stuck on their pelt like dew, and Starclan cats frolicking around their paws like kittens. Itha can also sometimes take the form of a large raven with blue eyes.


Itha can bless cats either from birth or during leader, sage or warrior ceremonies. Little is known about the way the blessing manifests, but cats that are blessed often have a successful life. 


Itha does not have set gender or pronounces, but they are most commonly referred with they/them. 


Places of worship

The holy trees are each clans spiritual altars for worshiping Itha. At these trees the clan cats can give sacrifices, prayers and wish upon Itha. 

Wolfclan - The Needle Woods 

Bearclan - The Scarlet Maple

Swanclan - The Rowan

Mooseclan - The Great Oak


Itha's Stars is the mortals soul portal to communicating directly with the God or with Starclan. Itha themselves rarely shows themselves to the mortals. 

The Upper

The Upper, or Starclan's hunting grounds, is Itha's realm. It is a beautiful place of endless Green Leaf, where the trees bow down to Itha as they travel the realm. It reflects all of the clans in it's broad beauty. Itha is bound to the realm physically and thus cannot leave. 


Jahi is the newer Godess, thought it is still unknown why she has decided to show up now and how long she has been laying dormant. However, it appears she is just as powerful as her counterpart in the sky, being able to bend the physical world of Middle in certain places. 


Jahi is a white beast that looks like a mix of a cat and a wolf, with blood red eyes and a X on her forehead. She can take on a shape of an elegant white cat with red eyes and a X on her forehead.


She has made herself known as the Goddess of death, physical body, cycles and forests. She is the end of everything, and the beginning of something new. Without her there would be nothing to birth. Those that have a strong connection to her cannot be lost in forests, can't get easily sick and are in tune with the physical world around them. 


She is not able to see omens and prophecies like Itha is, her domain is redistrected to the body and the present only.


She resides in The Below, but she has been seen in reflections in the mortal world. Things are still unclear when it comes to her, only thing is known is that Itha does not like her. 



Places of worship

These places were originally occupied by Itha's presence only, but by the help of her followers Jahi has gained a hold on these holy trees. 

Wolfclan - The Needle Woods 

Bearclan - The Scarlet Maple

Swanclan - The Rowan

Mooseclan - The Great Oak


Jahi's Eye is the large willow from where under She can see to the mortal realm. Unlike with Itha, Jahi herself shows to the mortals to communicate with them.

The Below

Only seen in the background of the sage's dreams, this realm is all sorts of backwards. Trees grow from the sky, the river pours upstream and everything is covered in mist. It is as if the entire realm has been sunk into the bottom of a murky lake where stars shine in the pools around you. Curiously enough there are rumors that you can physically travel there....

Minor deities

Deities created by the Gods, able to roam the Middle. 

The Upper Deities

Ägres - The Sun Incarnate. He/him.

Deity of- The Sun | Warmth, Fire, Light, Day, Rest, New and Green Leaf |

Appearance - A six legged golden lynx with a veil of ferns covering his eyes.

???- The ??? Incarnate.

Deity of; The ???

​Appearance - ??

???- The ??? Incarnate.

Deity of; The ???

​Appearance - ??

???- The ??? Incarnate.

Deity of; The ???

​Appearance - ??

The Below Deities

???- The ??? .

Deity of; The ???

​Appearance - ??

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