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The Strong and Brave

Bearclan icon_edited.png
''In strength and honor we trust''

Typical build

Massive bodies, thick fur, large paws, short muzzles, extra fur on paws and ears. Dark pelt colors to hide in the shadows. 

Maine coon/Norwegian forest cat inspired. 


Typical Height

Height from the floor to where the shoulder meets the neck.

Male - 35-40cm

Female - 25-35cm


Typical names
Large-,  Bark-,  Shade,- Night-, Moss-,


Typical prey

Grouses, rodents, small birds


Typical predators

Raptors, foxes, 


Typical skills

 + fighting, + stealth

- tracking, -storyteller, 



Tenacity, bravery, the queens and kits



Misty, oddly still and silent-it's everything Bearclan territory is. The ground is oddly soft and lumpy, as the whole forest floor is covered in a thick moss carpet. Under this carpet is different sized rocks and boulders, making sure you will sprain your ankle if you slip on the slippery moss. 


Large pine and spruce trees dot the territory, their crooked needle filled branches blocking sun from reaching the undergrowth. Odd mist hungs in the air, shallows pools of water gathering between crooked stone and filling old dens under serpentine roots. 


Bearclan territory is beautiful, but not in a traditional sense- only those who value the stillness and quietness of the night, and the scent of fresh fallen rain, can understand why these cats call this unkind place home. 



Clan description

Brutes, single minded and secretive, all words the other clans use to describe Bearclan. Their unusual size and sheer strength frighten the other clans, and some even believe the rumors that they are descendants of Itha themselves. 


This is all true. 


However, Bearclan was formed when the cats saw a mother bear defending its cubs from other animals. Its willingness to die for its young inspired the group and they formed their clan. Their children are their pride and joy, and to die from defending them is the greatest honor. To them weakness endangers their kits, and their service to their clan and to the young never ends. Queens are held the highest regard and leaders are seen as replaceable. 


Unique traditions/quirks


_Duel of Honor_

If a leader is unworthy of their rank, any warrior can challenge the leader for their position. The duel ends either in death or exile, the loosing party often choosing the more honorable way of death rather than exile. If a leader looses, they forfeit their remaining lives and return to a life of a warrior, or die, depending on the number of lives they have and the nature of the duel.

A leader who has gained their rank by a duel is often less approved of than a leader who became a leader after being a deputy. Often they end up loosing their rank the way they gained it, by a duel. 


_No elders_ 

There are no elders in Bearclan. You serve until you die. 


_Queen worship_

Queens and den kings are seen as the most important cats in the clan. They are the ones to put away the life of glorious battle to nurse and raise the future warriors of the clan. Because there are no elders, the queens and den kings eat first. 


_Blood blessing_

When kitting comes near, queens often drag themselves to the Scarlet Maple, to give birth beneath its forever red hued leaves. Cats born under the tree are seen as blessed by Itha.


_War paint/Body paint_

Cats wear war paint on their fur made from lichen, blueberries or red mud. It is a common practice but not a daily one. The High Ranks wear these paints everyday. 


Bearclan cats loooove to spar. They believe it strengthens the bonds they share. 




''Smooth furred''

An insult thrown at those who have no scars.



Insult thrown at cowardly cats. 



Recent previous high ranks

*From oldest to most recent. These are not all high ranks that have been. Click the title to view detailed description of the latest ranks. 


Leaders- Bloodstar (she/her), Ebonystar (he/him), Pollenstar(he/him), Shadestar (she/her), Barkstar (he/him)


Deputies - Mushroomnose (he/him, died), Mapleflurry (she/her, stepped down), Boulderclaw (he/him,died), Rootclaw (she/her,died ) Ratscar (he/him, died), Valleystrike (he/him, demoted)


Sages - Swampfeather (he/him), Perchsnap (he/him), Ratfang (he/him), Ivyfog (she/her), Bogthistle (he/him)

The Camp


Deep within the evergreen forest is a rocky hill, with boulders jutting from the ground like hungry teeth. The climb is long and hard, one misplaced step on the slippery moss and you can plummet down the rocky slope. On top of the hill is a bumpy, moss covered clearing, well guarded by a thick spruce trunks and massive boulders, and it's what Bearclan calls their camp. 


Asundered Boulder

At the far end of the camp is a large rock that has been broken in half, like lightning had struck it from the sky. From the crack, ferns and ivy grow like they are leaking from within. On top of this rock the Leader makes their announcements and before it the Duels are held. The leader sleeps in the crack of the rock. 


Warrior's den

Above a small slope is a fallen spruce tree, its sun dried branches covering the mouth of the den. The warriors sleep here, on the moss covered floor. The more experienced cats sleep in the middle, as its the warmest place and the younger ones sleep on the sides.


Apprentice's den

The apprentices sleep in an old fox den below some pine tree roots near the nursery. It's a comfy little spot in the camp. 



Near the Asundered Boulder, behind some large rocks is a small clearing with a large, well guarded and sheltered spruce tree. Under the trees evergreen branches, is a bush where the queens sleep and take care of the young. 


Sage's den

The sage's den is a bit farther  from the rest of the camp, behind some rock formations. There is a small dent in the ground for fresh water to pool in, and a small cave under some spruce roots for the sage to work in. 


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