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There are four unique clans with their own traditions, quirks, belief systems and values. However, there are few traditions that they do share. Here you can find all the information all the clans believe in! 


Unlike in the original Warrior Cats books, the title medicine cat is not used here. Instead the clan's healer is called a Sage. They are the clans spiritual leader and a healer of vast knowledge. They are often turned to for life advice and are often held in high regard.



Note that these are general slang words the clan cats use. You can find clan spesific slang under the clans page.



''May Itha guide your path'' / '' Itha be with you''  = common farewell


''Starless!'' = insult towards loners/to those who don't believe in Starclan


''May your soul be swift in their travel'' = a farewell towards a deceased friend


''You are of the Great One'' = often used to praise someone for being extra special or good at something


''Half blood'' = insult towards cats with mixed clan blood


''Moon blood'' = either an insult or praise towards cats born out of political mateship


''Nettle tongue!'' = liar/someone with a sharp tongue


Soul birds - small birds are believed to be the ones carrying a deceased cats soul to Starclan and to Itha.. Sometimes these birds are cats you have known in life. You can recognizance one from their cat like eyes.


Holy trees - each of the clan has their own important trees, as they see the trees as a metaphor for the Upper(canopy), the Middle(trunk) and The Below(roots)

Wolfclan has Pines / Swanclan has Rowans / Mooseclan Birches / Bearclan has Maple


The Upper -Itha's realm where Starclan resides. The open sky. 


The Middle - The place where the heavens and earth meet, the home of the mortals. 


The Below -  Jahi's realm where                                  



The North Star - the brightest of the stars in the sky is believed to be Itha themselves. As long as it shines, Itha is watching their creations. 


Constellations - different constellations are believed to be great warriors of the past, who lived such honorable lives they were granted multiple stars at death. 


Itha's Blessing - Usually given leaders, but some can be blessed from birth. Nobody knows what it really means to blessed by Itha, but it is believed to grant you protection, guidance and success. 


Jahi's Blessing - Little is known about this blessing. All that is known is that Jahi is constantly watching you from reflections in pools of water. 


The Sun - Believed to be the other half of The Moon, the sun grants the cats light and warmth.


The Moon - Believed to be the other half of the Sun, the moon grants the cats darkness to prowl their prey in and hide from predators.  


Silverpelt - The dark sky dome that has the stars against it.



Time of season based traditions

_First blossoms_

A day during the New Leaf when cats celebrate the arrival of spring and the first blooms of flowers. Dandelions, wood anemones, hepaticas and hawkweeds start to bloom and both prey and herbs are plentiful. The long winter is finally over and it is time to relax before starting to prepare for the next winter.


_The Never Ending Day_
A day during the Green Leaf where all the clans gather for a long celebration to celebrate the endless day. The sun never sets below the horizon and the air is full of joy and delight! Leaders use this time to mingle and arrange political mates, where as warriors and elders alike share stories and meals with each other. No matter how big or small, everyone is welcomed to the Never Ending Day celebrations. 


_Itha's evening_

The Leaf Fall has begun, and the land is preparing for Leaf Bare. Nights start to stretch and temperatures start to drop below freezing. It is time to celebrate the bounty of the year and pray for a gentle Leaf Bare. This celebration is all about honoring your fallen clan mates and to enjoy the last warmer days and full bellies. 


_The Endless Night_

The long week of no light, when the sun never rises from the horizon. The land is still, dark and hostile and cats pray for the week to end quickly. Kits and apprentices who sneak out this time of year are never seen again.... 


Clan life
based traditions


_Arranged mates_

During times of political turmoil, leaders may arrange two respected warriors to become mates and ensure  a peaceful time for both clans. Arranged mates can be permanent, temporary or transactional; such as during a time of limited kittens in a clan that is in need; once kits are conceived, the one of the arranged mates is expected to return to their clan.




Times of great joy and prolonged peace, celebrations are held at the Forked Pine where full moon Gatherings take place. Cats gather to spend time with each other and share stories, herbs and food with one another.




Ceremonies and extra


_Leader ceremony_

Leader ceremonies differ from the usual Warrior Cats one by having Itha be present at the ceremony. Leaders to be have to be guided to the God by their sage in order to receave the lives of a leader from their fallen friends and family. The God watches over this ceremony and in the end decides if to bless the leadership or not.



_Warrior ceremony_

Warrior ceremonies are almost identical to the canon ones, expect for the mannerism. During the ceremony a leader reaches for the North Star as if to catch it. Either before or after ''catching'' the star, they smear something to their paws so that once they have the ''star'' they mark their own noses with it. Then at the end of the ceremony the leader places their nose on the new warriors forehead, as if to transfer the star onto them and thus giving them Itha's blessing. 


_Leader losing a life_

When a leader dies and loses a life, they wake up at the Upper in Starclan. A cat who has given them a life comes to take the life away. They say the words ''With this death I take away your ___'' and take away the life they originally gave. 


_Sage ceremony_

Sage ceremonies happen in Starclan/Upper with the ancestors as the audience. Often the ancestors are past sage's or close family members or friends of the new sage. Otherwise the ceremony follows as it does in the books.


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