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The Curious and Unique

''In grace and charm we trust''
swanclan icon_edited.png

Typical build

Odd fur types, lanky bodies, tall legs, long tails, webbed paws, short/round frames, colorful furs like calicos, snowshoes, pointed markings.

Devon rex & british shorthair inspired. â€‹


Typical Height

Height from the floor to where the shoulder meets the neck.

Male - 25-30cm

Female - 20-26 cm


Typical names
Perch-,  Pike-,  Feather-, Loon-,  Stream-,  Soft-


Typical prey

Different kinds of lake and river fish, water fowl, small rodents


Typical predators

Pikes, cranes, foxes, 


Typical skills

+ storyteller, + lore master

 -stealth, -fighting



Individuality, creativity, the sages and elders



Swanclan's territory is mostly flat, old Twoleg farm site. They have an entire pond in their territory and a river that runs into it. Prey and herbs are plentiful and Leaf Bare is often very kind to the water loving clan. Their territory provides little shelter aside from few trees and bushes, but their large camp inside an abandoned watermill keeps them warm throughout the cold season. 


Swanclan territory is full of different kinds of plants and herbs, and they have the most varied fauna as well. Their territory doesn't just house them, it also houses water birds, hoofed animals, rodents and fish. 


Part of Swanclan territory is the forgotten farm lands. These rolling hills are full of rabbits, rodents and small birds. Sometimes the cats find hidden things in the undergrowth, strange objects left by the mysterious creatures that had built their camp.

Clan description

Swanclan, the odd ball of the clans, is often over looked by the others. They are seen as too soft and kind and too wrapped in their own clan to care about the troubles of the other clans. As pacifists they are lucky they don't share a border with Bearclan- otherwise they could loose their entire territory to them. 


Swanclan is however, very open to new ideas and new people; taking in loners and exiles from other clans as well, especially Bearclanners who have been exiled after loosing a challenge. These cats are also incredibly crafty- they weave accessories and tools to help themselves and to trade with the other clans. 


 They are known for training excellent medicine cats, because their territory is full of different kinds of herbs. They often have multiple medicine cats at a time, and are not afraid to lend them to the other clans if needed. 


They are also known as the water loving clan, as they love to swim and to relax in the cool waters during the hot seasons. This is why all Swanclan born are with webbed feet so that they are able to swim and dive properly. 



Unique traditions/quirks


_Soul bind_

Perhaps the most well known thing about Swanclan is that they are all about mateship and love. When two cats decide to spend the rest of eternity together, they bind their souls together in a ritual. They confess their love to each other in front of their clan, often decorated with flowers and sweet smelling herbs, while the sage wraps a garland around their necks. Their souls are together bound and after this they cannot be mates with anyone else- even if the other dies. Soul binding is common.



Swanclan has taken inspiration from the swans and take on a much longer courtship. Often if a cat is interested in another, they will bring gifts and gain the others attention. Often once the persued makes it clear they are interested, the persueer will do a ''dance'' where they show off their fighting and hunting skills- leaping and attacking makeshift enemies and prey. If the dance is successful, they grant a gift to their new mate; often an accessory. 


_Sage lending_

Swanclan often has a multiple sages and they tend to ''lend'' them away to other clans if they are needed. Some sage's choose to stay in the new clan or train a new sage to take their place if there are none. 


_Sages allowed to have kits and mates_

Swanclan sages are able to have a mate, but kits are only allowed if the sage has trained an apprentice to help with their duties. 


_Queen swim_

Queens often swim in the pond or stream near the camp to relieve pain and strain. 



Swanclan cats are remarkibly good when it comes to weaving nests, baskets and accessories. They might even trade ttheir beautiful pawworks to other clans for herbs and food.





Cats who have been born to sages are often referred as Honey-born, because their parent is of a higher rank and seen as getting special treatment from them. 


''Path wanderer'' 

A sage who likes to wander the territories and is often lend to other clans. 


Recent previous high ranks

*From oldest to most recent. These are not all high ranks that have been. Click the title to see detailed information,


Leaders- Softstar (he/him), Plumestar(she/her), Willowstar (she/her), Sneezestar (he/him), Brightstar (she/her)


Deputies - Pondwave (he/him, died), Curlyfur (she/her, died), Duckfeather (he/him, stepped down), Floundersnap (she/her) Ternhop (she/her, died), Bloomheart (he/him, stepped down)


Sages - Forestcall (she/her), Salmonshore (he/him), Leafberry (he/him), Berrystail (he/him) Rosegaze (she/her) Basilnose (he/him), Thymepath (he/him) Boragestalk (she/her), Loonleaf (he/him) Frostpoppy (she/her)

The Camp


Swanclan has made camp into an abandoned two storey twoleg watermill near a river. Its roof is still somewhat intact, but one of the walls has almost completely fallen over. They can see the small stream that runs next to their camp from there, and it is an excellent place to keep watch. Kits often go down to the river to get used to having their paws wet. They make their nests between the cracks and crevices of the foundation and fallen walls out of hay, moss and reeds. Near the camp is the Lovers Rowan. 

Sun Stump
In the middle of the camp is an odd round shaped object made of wood. It seemed to have something to do with the odd twoleg nest, but its usage is unknown to the clan cats. Ancient cats have painted suns all over this strange object, thinking it is a stump of an ancient tree. The clan leader makes announcements from here. 
Warrior's, apprentice's, elder's and Leader's den. 

Cats of Swanclan sleep wherever they want, with whomever they want with. There are no designated dens for each rank, as cats prefer to sleep in one huge pile on a lush moss and hey bed. Some cats preffer to sleep in the second floor, higher from any danger, but most like to sleep near the nursery at ground floor.
Sage's den

The sage's den is one of the rare designated dens inside the twoleg den. In the ground a maw opens, with stairs that lead down to a small area smelling of still air (a cellar). There are old stone shelves that the sages use as herb storage and a nook where mushrooms grow. They are used as an emergency food source and as a way to get rid of pains of any kind. 

The next proper den in the camp is the nursery. Located on the ground floor it is the only space with clean air and no draft from the wind. It is what twolegs would call a chest, but the cats have no knowledge of such a thing. A hole has rotten into the chest, now covered with ivy that has taken hold of most of the twoleg's nest. 


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