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Starry Sky

The founding

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Our story starts with the North Star. 


The brightest star upon the endless sky, the North Star is the anchor of the heavens and earth. Taking shape as a mighty lynx, made of the cosmos itself, They brought forward the mortal felines. 


They watched Their children live and frolic, but as it tended to do, the mortals eventually started wars and battles, killing one another in endless cruelty. To put a stop to this, Itha the North Star itself, gave a command.


‘'There shall be a leader to lead the clan, a deputy to take their place after death and a sage to speak my will and make it happen. Warriors who will lay their lives for their clan and to defend those who can not defend themselves''


But the mortals could not choose where to settle down, so they separated into four different clans. 


The first one followed the tracks of a wolf pack, finding the tight knit family of canines by the rocky sea shore. They admired the wolves' sense of unity and family. They decided to make their own clan a reflection of a wolf pack- led by two leaders affectionately called the ‘’parents’’ of the clan, a mated couple who would look after the clan's well being. This is how Wolfclan came to be. 


One group of cats traveled to the abandoned farm lands where odd, decaying stone and wood structures remained by a calm pond. These cats enjoyed the quiet, simple life and they admired the beautiful swan that made their home by the pond. After following them for seasons, they saw that the birds mated for life. These cats decided to name themselves Swanclan, and honor love, grace and healing.


The third group wanted to distance themselves from the rest and traveled to the ancient pine forest deep within the territories. They found a mother bear and saw how she defended her cubs from a much larger male. Admiring the mothers will to defend her young, these cats named themselves Bearclan and decided to honor courage and motherhood. 


The final group settled in a beautiful birch forest. They found a moose family, and were in shock with the sheer size of the male mooses’ antlers. The antlers were like a crown bestowed upon its head, tangling with flowers and gore alike. They decided to name themselves Mooseclan, and honor loyalty and hard work above all else, and to have a strong male as a leader. In time this tradition morphed to nepotism and turned to royalty, where only the eldest child of a litter from the leader would inherit the leader position. 


Recent History

Year -1


After a harsh Leaf-Bare Wolfclan is left without many cats, most passing from an unknown illness. 


Wolfclan deputy Yowlbelly, dies as well. Their mate Needleclaw is too distraught to continue as a deputy, so he retires. Milkstar and Sootsar appoint Orchidfrost and Doecry as their next deputies. 


Mooseclan leader, Deerstar, succumbs to yellowcough and their deputy and heir Littlestar take over. They appoint their heir/niece Emberprowl as the next deputy. 





A gathering ends with Itha covering the North Star when Mooseclan accuses Bearclan of stealing prey. 


Bearclan deputy, Ratscar, dies during a patrol fight with Mooseclan, as they catch him breaking the warrior code and hunting in their territory. Littlestar was the one to strike the finishing blow.  Barkstar appoints Valleystrike as their deputy. 


Swanclan leader, Brightstar, drinks the water from the pond and doesn't realize its poisonous from green algae! They die from the poisoning and their deputy Gentlestar takes over. They appoint Bloomheart as their deputy. 




Barkstar refuses to retaliate against Mooseclan. This is causing turmoil within the clan. 


Mooseclan sage, Dapplefern, is found dead at Itha's Star by Bearclan. Bearclan sage, Bogthistle says her death was caused by Itha's rage. There are no visible marks to show how she died. Mooseclan finds Bogthistle's statement hard to believe and are suspicious. Dapplefern's apprentice Pinerumble takes over the main sage role in Mooseclan. 


Wolfclan's sage Dewberry, has overworked themselves and they pass on by mysteriously falling into the Holwing Fjord. May Itha greet them with open paws. Their apprentice Eclipsesight takes over the clan. 


Leaf Bare


Swanclan sage, Snowberry, tries to ask aid from Wolfclan. They are not given the important herbs and the clans relationship are worsened. Two elders die in Swanclan. 


Year 1 (2023)




Start of the year was uneventful as New Leaf came without a problem. This was until a storm called Itha's Wrath hit and tore the territories up, killing a Swanclan warrior. Mooseclan's leader Littelstar, her sage Pinerumble and a warrior escort Briarfrost were stranded in Bearclan because of the storm. They had gone to Itha's Stars to see answers for dead soul birds but were granted none, instead a cryptic warning was given. 


Green - Leaf 

The Gathering that followed the storm resulted into more political hardships as the clans accused one another. Wolfclan had not warned about the storm even whey they knew it was coming, Bearclan had kept Littlestar and their companions as prisoners, Littlestar was lying and making her companions lie as well and Swanclan was not happy with their warrior dying. Political tension was rising. 

Unhappy with how Littlestar was acting, an ambush was made against them and their daughters, by Bearclan's Rosemarygaze. She ended up killing Littlestar's heir instead of the leader.  This has resulted into Littlestar seeking out a sire in Wolfclan to strengthen their political ties and have another heir. 


In Wolfclan, Orchidfrost and Doecry were attacked by a predator, which resulted into Doecry retiring from the role as a deputy. Orchidforst was not ready to give up yet and chose Shiverdove as her new mate and co deputy.


Bloomheart, the Swanclan deputy, steps down and Loondive takes his place. 


Bogthistle, Bearclan's sage, dies of unknown reasons. Snowberry of Swanclan takes his place as Bearclan's sage and takes her apprentice Herringpaw with her. Swanclan is left in the caring paws of Freckledfawn and Sorrelsun. 


Wanting to avenge Wisteriafall, Emberprowl decided to attack Scarlet Maple behind Littelstar's back. This resulted in Barkstar's death and in Dapplefoot becoming a prisoner of Bearclan. In his death bead Barkstar appointed Rosemarygaze as his deputy, wanting her to have the protection of nine lives. He feared that Mooseclan would do something to his daughter. 


Leaf Fall


Rosemarystar had taken a prisoner from the fight at the Scarlet Maple- Dapplefoot. Mooseclan exchanged her for a piece of their land. 


Strange mist appears in Swanclan. It originates from the Rowan and it seems to make prey act weirdly. Cats start to see figures in the mist; running wolves and a cat with red eyes. Paranoia spreads.


Herringpaw of Bearclan receives a warning from Itha about a many eyed, canine beast, but cannot make a sense of it. During a gathering Itha suddenly possesses all cats connected to Them and gives an omen before bringing in Leaf Bare prematurely. Snow covers the land. 


Leaf Bare 


The Sons murder warriors from Mooseclan and Bearclan, forcing both clans to focus on the common enemy instead of each other. 


Shiverdove of Wolfclan is murdered by the Sons while on a peace convoy to Bearclan. Thunderstep takes his place as Orchidfrost's mate and the next deputy of Wolfclan.


Swanclan hears a strange song in the mist, revealing the existence of another deity named Jahi, All cats connected to her hear the entire song while others just her name hissed in the wind... All sages hear the same song and now all high ranks know of Jahi's existence. 


Mooseclan is starving due to loss of land and having kits in the clan. Littlestar takes their high ranks to go talk to Itha and Starclan but disrespecting the God to their face results in Littlestar losing all but 1 one of their lives. Emberprowl sacrifices something unknown to Itha, resulting with better hunting to Mooseclan.


During a gathering Littelstar reveals to the clans that she has only one life left. She apologizes for her bad decisions but it is met with mixed feelings. 


Herringpaw, the Bearclan sage apprentice, decides to leave the clan. Snowberry takes on Saltpaw as her new apprentice.


Jahi makes herself known during the Endless Night as visions of her are seen in the darkness and mist. As dawn finally breaks after a week, the clans see that their holy sites have changed to more ghostly looking. It is clear that these shrines are now for Jahi as well. 


Year 2 (2024)

New Leaf


The clans work together to form strike teams against The Sons. The idea was Milkstar's (one of Wolfclan's leader). She sent the most warriors from her own clan and she herself went as the only leader to lead on the strike. Eventually the Sons were able to drive away the clan cats, but the clans managed to kill their thunder Yö. Many cats were left badly injured including Milkstar, Snaretooth and Pollentuft.


The clans start to heal from their attack and fill their bellies as New Leaf comes around. However everything starts to flood, forcing Swanclan out of their home., During the First Blossoms they talk with the other clans and eventually end up housed with Wolfclan. Tensions rise as two clans are stuck in one camp. 


Green Leaf


Swanclan sage Freckledfawn is attacked by a member of the Sons as she is meeting up with a Mooseclan warrior. They manage to drive the attacker off but she is taken to Mooseclan to heal.


Tension between Wolfclan and Swanclan rise higher as Jahi connected cats see an omen of a wolf suffocating on swan feathers. Sootstar of Wolfclan tries to help the tension by taking a Swanclan patrol out to hunt. They are attacked by a wolverine that takes one of his lives and puts him in comatose. Milkstar drives out Swanclan, blaming them for Sootstar's condition. 

Despite tradition, Milkstar does not take a new mate to lead with. Her decision drives the clan's opinions in half but just barely a majority agrees with her. She remains as the sole leader of Wolfclan. 

Swanclan returns home and rebuild their camp. Gentlestar has been terribly sick since they were driven out of their home by the flood. Without Freckledfawn's help (who is still stuck in Mooseclan due to constantly trying to be killed when she leaves Mooseclan camp) Sorrelsun cannot seem to heal the leader. Fey eventually succumb to the mysterious sickness. 
​Swanclan begins to worship Jahi exclusively. 


During the Never Ending Day celebrations the clans sing a spell song, with the guidance of Snowberry, the Bearclan sage, which summons the sun deity Ägres. Ägres reveals himself to be one of Itha's oldest creations, who roamed the lands long ago. Now he is allowed on land during the Never Ending Day celebrations. 


Loonstar receaves the blessing of nine deaths from Jahi and refuses to take on a deputy. Instead she names Sorrelsun has an ''oracle'' a hybrid role of a deputy and a sage. Swanclan has mixed feelings about it.


Emberprowl of Mooseclan kidnaps Twilightrose, the Bearclan deputy, when she tried to have talks of peace behind Rosemarystar's back. Saltpaw, the Bearclan sage apprentice, is also taken by two Mooseclan apprentices who try to imitate the deputy. Eventually both deputy and sage apprentice are traded for the Hoof Path and they return home.


Bearclan launches an attack on Mooseclan, enraged by their audacity. They Invade Mooseclan's home at a battle that later gets the name the Battle of the Red Dawn. Dapplefoot is slain by Rosemarystar and Emberprowl drives out Bearclan. Littlestar, ashamed by her bad leadership, gives up her title as a leader to Emberprowl. Emberprowl becomes Emberstar and she names Ceruleanstag, Littlefawn's son, as her deputy.​


Leaf Fall (current)


Freckledfawn runs away from Mooseclan with a Mooseclan lover. They run into Swanclan warriors who had ran away as well. They come to the conclusion that Swanclan is not safe anymore. 


A gathering takes place. Bearclan and Mooseclan's fight is revealed as well as all the changes in leadership. Loonstar's leadership is questioned by the other clan leaders as they do not believe she was granted the ''nine deaths of a leader''. Rosemarystar offers to kill her, but backs out when Loonstar's conviction to die for her cause proves to her that Loonstar was speaking the truth. Angered by Swanclan's continuous insults and actions towards Wolfclan, Milkstar tries to kill her. She is stopped and instead orders her deputy, Thunderstep to kill Loonstar. Thunderstep kills her. Loonstar comes alive but looks like a walking corpse. The North Star is covered with clouds and the gathering ends. 


Sootstar had passed during the gathering, leaving Milkstar to find her deceased mate.  Furious and in pain she collects her clan mates to call a storm to ask advice from Itha. Itha gives a broken message in the wind and Wolfclan takes it's meaning to mean that they must attack Swanclan and cull the heretics. A battle ensues at the Lovers Rowan. 



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