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The Faithful and Cunning

''In unity we place our trust''
Wolfclan icon_edited.png

Typical build

Grey and dark pelt, thick fur, hard pawpads, spotted markings, lanky ''canine like'' frames.

Siberian cat & Norwegian forest cat inspired. 


Typical Height

Height from the floor to where the shoulder meets the neck.

Male - 27-35cm

Female - 25-30cm


Typical names
Boulder-,  Storm-,  Rain,- Grey-, Lichen-, Snow-


Typical prey

Birds of prey, grouses, squirrels, fish


Typical predators

Badgers, raptors, raccoon dogs


Typical skills

 + hunting, + lore master

- connection to Jahi, -stealth, 



Unity, family, the warriors



Wolfclan territory is mostly rock, as there is only a thin layer of ground before hitting bedrock. This means large rocks and boulders stuck out of the ground like hungry teeth. Moss and lichen covers most of the ground, with large patches of blueberry bushes growing here and there. The ground is too thin for large trees to grow, and that's why the trees that grow here are thin or oddly crooked.


The trees and foliage thin out as you get closer to the sea, where the harsh winds have made the trees even more oddly shaped and wind beaten. Not much variety grows here, but the tidal pools by the sea are a great place to catch fish that have gotten stuck. The shores of Wolfclan are made of ocean smoothed stone, tidepools and occasional patches of sandy beaches.


The only true forest starts to grow once you go closer to Bearclan. The Needle Woods are the largest source of food and herbs for the clan, and it is defended with vigor. 








Clan description

The ones who admired the wolves became Wolfclan, their teamwork and trust for each other inspired the clan to value unity above all else. They do everything together from raising kits to hunting and even leading. Wolfclan is a tight knit family, with your bloodline not mattering as long as you are in unity. They care of the well being of all the clans, wanting to keep harmony between them.  This is why they often have arranged mates with the other clans.


Total peace is their unreachable goal, but that doesn't make them pacifists. Wolflcan knows when to bare their fangs to the enemy and to hunt them down. They are often the nightmare of loners who reject the warrior code.  


Wolfclan to other clans is often seen as honorable yet peculiar; Wolflcan cats are always looking up at the sky and muttering about clouds while moving oddly in unison, as if sharing one mind and heart. 


Unique traditions/quirks


_Double leadership_

Wolfclan has two leaders and two deputies. They believe two minds and hearts are better than one, and like a wolf pack is lead by a set of ''parents''. The leaders have to be mates and so do the deputies. Their union can be filled with love, arranged or out of convenience, but as long as they are mates they are able to be deputies and leaders.


If a deputy's mate dies, they have to take a new one after a period of mourning or step down from their role. This rule does not apply to the leaders if one of them dies, although it can apply if the clan itself demands it.


Because there are two clan leaders, the leaders only have 4 lives each, so together 8 lives.


_Decision making_

Wolfclan high ranks often make clan effecting decisions after consulting the entire clan. They believe they aren't above the regular warrior and a decision should be made unanimously.


_Weather predictions_ 

All Wolfclan cats are born with the talent to be able to predict weather. They seem to be able to read the sky and wind more clearly than other clan cats, and predict storms and snowfall before others. Wolfclan medicine cats are able to read omens about weather especially well, and often communicate with Itha during storms. 


_Pack hunting_

Wolfclan patrols are often on the larger side as they hunt together large prey like capercaillies and grouses. However they steer away from those prey during the birds mating season as they can be quite deadly. 


_Storm calling_

Sages who want, or need, signs from Starclan, do a ritual where they yowl at the sea and sky, calling for a storm. They stand for hours in these storms and try to see and hear Itha's whispers. 


_Sea burials_
Due to the lack of proper ground, the deceased loved ones are often thrown to the sea from the burial cliff. Wolfclan believes this one final flight will carry their spirit to Starclan. 






The leaders are often called parents, mothers or fathers depending on the genders of the leaders. Wolfclan sees the leaders as the parents of the entire clan.


''Storm born''

Cats who are born during a storm are seen as blessed by Itha. This is because it is believed that Itha was traveling the mortal realm at the same time.



Recent previous high ranks

*From oldest to most recent. These are not all high ranks that have been. Click the title for more information.


Leaders- Cyotestar(she/her) & Seastar (he/him), Stomstar(she/her) & Flamestar(he/him), Deadstar(he/him) & Miststar (they/them), Fjordstar(she/her)& Tidestar (she/her)


Deputies - Poolripple(he/him, deceased) & Lichensigh (she/her, stepped down), Ravenfeather(he/him, ran away) & Windsong (he/him, ran away), Houndclaw (he/him, died) & Loongust (she/her, stepped down) Yowlbelly (he/him,died) & Needleclaw (he/him stepped down)Doestep (she/her, stepped down)


Sages - Streamwhisker (she/her), Blackmoth (she/her), Pebblestep (she/her), Blueberryfern (he/him), Dewberry (they/them)

The Camp


At the shore of the sea, near a cliff resides the clans camp in a scar like cave. Despite its wide entrance the cave itself is quite shallow and the tallest warrior's tail tips can touch the ceiling. This forces the cats to constantly be on the same level, enforcing the idea of equality between ranks. Some bushes cling desperately at the caves entrance, giving it a bit of shelter. The cave is dark and often humid, but the cracks in the rocks provide excellent cover from the raging sea. The camp is well guarded from land predators and invaders, but it lacks a proper emergency exit and is quite cold during Leaf Bare. 


Jagged Claw

On the back wall there is a jagged rock that looks like a claw coming out of the wall. Beneath this odd rock formation the leaders make their announcement and their nests. They sleep rather in the open, always ready to aid their clan mates. Privacy is not a luxury for this clans leaders. 


Warrior's den

Near the wide entrance in the bushes reside the warriors den. They enforce the bush's walls with lichen, moss and sticks gathered from the Needle Woods, in order to keep the cold witn out. Its a rather warm and soft den. They keep watch to make sure no kit toddles off the cliff to their death. 


Elder's den/Nursery

At the back of the camp there is a smaller cave with two main areas. One of them belongs to the elders, covered with soft moss and feathers to keep them warm and well shielded against the weather. In the other is the nursery with the same decorations, although it is much larger.


Apprentice's den

Between two rocks is a small gap where the apprentices sleep (often in a pile). It is near the Jagged Claw, so that the apprentices can learn from the leaders the best. 


Sage's den

Near nursery and elder's den is a tiny crack on the wall. Once you get inside, the cave suddenly widens and gets taller, as if it was a cave on its own. Inside there is a place for patients to sleep on soft nests and a small pool of condensation water. The sage's nest and their herbs are on the back on a small ledge. 


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