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Here you can find a list of all the skills you are able to choose from for your character. Each skill has a positive effect and a negative effect. You must pick one positive skill and one negative. They cannot be the same. Apprentices and kits don't have a skill picked yet, you pick once they receive their full name. 
[Positive connections to Jahi and Itha are excluded from the rule since those come from birth]
[You can have positive connection characters on 1:4 ratio]

+ = the positive effect of having said skill
- = the negative effect of not having said skill

For example: 
A cat can be an excellent fighter but a terrible hunter.



+ Your character excels at fighting. They might not always strike at the target but when they do, they really back a punch. They get an advantage when they roll for damage, so you roll twice and choose the higher number for your damage. They are often either physically strong or skilled in the ways of fighting and are scary opponents in the battlefield. With many good fighters in the clan they appear more menacing to other clans and outsiders. Please see Battle & HP system for how fighting works. 


- Your character is a bad fighter. You have a disadvantage in damage rolls, which means you have to roll twice and pick the lowest number. These cats are often physically weaker and appear less menacing. With many bad fighters your clan is perceived weaker. 




+ Your character can slip into the shadows, and easily hide their tracks. These cats can cross borders without struggle, and can gather intel of enemy clans movements in their territory. You are sneaky and have great reflexes, able in battle to strike without struggle but not necessarily hard. In action it means the roll you must reach in order for your attack to strike is 9 or higher instead of 11 or higher. You roll only once. Please see Battle & HP system for how fighting works. 


- You cannot ambush prey or enemies, and you are terrible at hiding. When you move in the territories it’s like a moose stumbling through. Everything and everyone will notice you- predators especially. In action this means you have to roll 13 or higher for your attack to land instead of 11 or higher. You roll only once.




Your character is alert, fast and agile, able to rush in and out of situations with ease. You can often strike first in battles and chase down the fastest hares- they’ll never see you coming! A clan with many speedy cats is less likely to be ambushed as information spreads from borders to camps at a faster pace. You also get to roll with an advantage for your initiative during battles against cat and prey alike.  Please see Battle & HP system for how fighting works. 


You are slow and sluggish. Your reflexes are not as sharp as others and you tend to struggle to get where you need to go in a timely manner. You’re just not as agile as others! You roll with a disadvantage for your initiative during battles against cat and prey alike. A clan with a lot of slow cats tends to be victim to more surprise attacks and react to a threat when it’s too late.




+ You find yourself with naturally high stamina and constitution. Whether it’s raw muscle and good health or just a natural determination, you aren’t taken down easily. You tend to stay on your feet longer in battle and usually recover much quicker from wounds and illness. You may not be invincible, but you’re one tough nut to crack. You get +3HP to your total HP count. Clans and groups with many resilient cats don’t waste too many herbs on healing their members. 


You have a rather weak constitution. Whether it’s your body or will that's weak you just tend to be more vulnerable than others. Your stamina is poor and you find yourself far more susceptible to infection and illness, it’s not hard to knock you down and you can be slow to get back up. You get a -3 HP to your total HP count. Clans and groups with badly resilient cats use up a lot of herbs to heal them. 




+ Your character is a great hunter. You are less likely to suffer from hunger plots and if your clan has multiple great hunters, your clan is less likely to have an effect from famine plots. When taking part in group hunts, you roll with advantage when rolling for damage. 


- Your character is the worst at hunting. They bring almost nothing to the fresh kill pile. If your clan has multiple bad hunters, Leaf Bare's are going to be devastating. When taking part in group hunts, you roll with disadvantage when rolling for damage. 




+ Your character is a fantastic tracker, able to find anything or anyone. Sage’s with this skill can find herbs easily and are more likely to have a great storage of herbs. Warriors with this skill are more likely to find missing cats, track predator and prey movements, and know if their borders have been crossed. When hunting you have advantage on rolls to find prey. 


- You cannot smell the difference between a raspberry or a death berry. You think you are tracking a squirrel when in fact you run into a fox. You accidentally (and often) cross borders and stumble onto predators. When hunting you have disadvantage on rolls to find prey. 




+ Your character is wonderfully charismatic, able to persuade others to do things they wouldn’t normally do or say. These cats are often loved by many. A clan full of storytellers do not have problems with rogues or loners, as they are often in great terms with them. 


- You tend to put your paw into our mouth and are unable to speak your way out of situations. You have a hard time keeping friendly relations with cats outside of your clan, and if your clan has multiple bad storytellers, your reputation with outsiders is bad. 



Lore master


+ Your character excels at your own clan’s traditions and history, knowing the best stories to tell. For example a Wolfclan warrior with very good weather predicting skills and stories about the sage’s of the past. You are very good with your clan's history, customs, lore and are often sought out when a peek into the past is needed.  This makes you the master of teaching the youth and you are able to have more than one apprentice at a time. (this does not apply to Swanclan sage who can have multiple apprentices without this skill). Clans with many lore masters often have well trained warriors and are aware of their clans history. 


- You just can’t seem to remember any of the stories you were told as a kit. You cannot recall important events well and you are less likely to be trusted with an apprentice. If a clan has many non lore masters they can easily lose their old traditions and precautionary tales of old. 




You feel quite comfortable around kittens and are naturally compassionate. Young cats tend to feel safe around you, often seeking you out for advice or comfort and you tend to be a very reliable support network for sick or vulnerable friends and family as well. You are able to have litters up to 5 kits if the circumstances are favorable. Clans with a lot of caretakers tend to have more and healthier kits that they can better manage.


You simply do not do well around kittens and aren’t very compassionate. You struggle to attend to the needs of others and don’t tend to provide good support. Young cats tend to distrust and avoid you. You can only have up to 2 kits per litter no matter if you’re dfab or dmab. Clans with poor caretakers tend to have less and more sickly kits, and struggle to take care of the ones they do have.




You have always been very interested in gods and religion and, while you may not share a spiritual connection with any of them, you retain a lot of knowledge about them and their histories. You may be well versed in your group's religious traditions (storm calling, sacrifices, etc) and may have more knowledge of the gods then your average cat. Clans with many religious cats may receive more attention from the gods then others 


You simply do not understand the world beyond the mortal realm. Gods make no sense to you let alone how they affect the world around you. You’re not good with your group's religious practices and you know very little about how they work. Clans with a lot of nonreligious cats are often ignored by the gods entirely


Connection to Itha 


+ You can have special abilities such as seeing what others don't, dreamwalking, future vision and odd sense of where ones loyalties lay. Itha's eyes are always upon you, are you are one of Their favorites. You have a deeper connection to the God, sensing them in storms and you can communicate with them more easily. You may be able to sense their feelings as well during certain events. To have a strong connection you must have died as a kit, and for Itha to breathe life back into you.


- You cannot feel Itha’s presence, you cannot receive their blessing and you do not have any special relationship with Itha. To them you are nothing. If a clan has multiple cats with a weak connection, they might suffer more from natural disasters. 


Connection to Jahi 


+ You are more grounded than other cats, having a deeper understanding of forests and the life cycle than others. You can sense the change of seasons, when a cat is expecting (and how many) and you morbidly know how cats have died based on the body. You will never fall under the effects of forest blindness.  You also suffer from terrible headaches and this feeling of wanting to travel north. At death your soul may be stolen to reside in the Below instead of with Starclan. To have a strong connection to Jahi you must have been born during eclipses or under the roots of any tree. 


- You have no idea when the seasons change and you lack a sense of your own body. You are unable to be blessed by Jahi or receive the nine deaths of a leader. Pain and aches are hard to pinpoint, and you get ill easier. If a clan has many cats with a bad connection to Jahi they are more likely to catch terrible illnesses. 

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