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The Daughters of the North

''Do not fear the white fangs of death, as they are part of the cycle''

Group description


Mysterious yet peaceful hermits, the Daughters are an oddity. The clan cats know very little of them due to the sheer distance between their homes, but loners from this place often reflect The Daughters. They are odd, introverted and mysterious, most likely seen alone rather than in groups. 


The Daughters worship the forest and the Below, and they are strict believers that the forest provides for them if you worship enough. They believe that your life is about making sure your physical body is well, and that you have to be one with the world around you. They give offerings to the forest and pray to Jahi for safe travel in the forest. They are borderline zealous with their faith, and often frown at the idea of worshiping the stars or the weather. 


The group is made of mostly elderly she-cats, mothers without homes and healers. The group is known for taking in the sick or injured, and queens close to kitting. They also take in abandoned kits and often relocate them or seek out their parents. Despite this many cats leave their group, unwilling to live by their code. 


The group has their own strict morals and codes they follow, and steering away from those codes gets you banished immediately. They believe their code has kept them safe and out of trouble for seasons so they must not be questioned. 


The Daughters are inherently a passive, pacifistic group, as they believe in keeping away from others will keep them safe. They are not a fighting force nor a militaristic might, instead their strengthens lie in their faith, their secrets and ability to mend into the shadows. 



All cats are equal in The Daughters, no matter if you are a kit or an elder. There are no assigned roles for cats, as everyone does what they are best at. Some hunt, some scout, some patrol their borders, but all worships the forest and The Below. Outsiders are permitted to stay in the group as long as they follow their rules. Cats born to this group are also allowed to stay as long as they follow the rules. The only higher rank is The Mouth who is the eldest she-cat who has the last say in important matters. They are the one who chooses if a code breaker can stay or leave. 


 Current Mouth

Click title to view

Solina [Black cat with green eyes]


Typical Names
Names that go with a forest or a death theme (plants, trees, rivers, bones etc)


Typical Appearances 
Dark pelts and tabby patterns to break their silhouette. 



Motherhood, peace, wisdom, forest


Typical skills

+ connection to Jahi, + stealth, + loremaster


- connection to Itha, - storyteller, -fighting


 Location and territory

The daughters are the most northern group of cats living in the forest. They live in a thick, misty, ancient pine forest. The trees grow even taller and thicker than in Bearclan, and it is clear that this forest has been here before the dawn of clan cats. The trees are decorated with carvings of eyes, wolves and fangs. Odd things hang from their branches like prey bones and antlers, warnings to stay away or you might hang as well.


The true location of their camp is hidden from common knowledge. You have to have a guide to take you there, and even then the travel through the mist is confusing and disorienting unless you are born with a connection to Jahi. Deep within their ancient forest is a river which's location they don't share with anyone. 


It takes you two weeks to travel here from the north border of Swanclan. 



The Daughters live underground, below a group of pine roots. The entrance is hidden under a carpet of moss. It's a large cave with multiple tunnels leading to smaller caves. One family tends to take one smaller tunnel and cave for themselves. At the walls of their earth cave are carvings and paintings of cats, eyes and bones. At the back of the camp is a shrine to Jahi, with daily new sacrifices. 




_Followers Mark_

All cats who have decided to stay with The Daughters are marked by the Mouth with a scar on their face. The scar can be any shape or size as long as it is on the face. This sacred ritual happens at the start of the river by the Ancestors Pine. 


_Skill assessments_

Young cats go through assessments where it is seen what they are good at. Young cats are trained by the entire group, but often choose what they specialize in after their assessments.

_Work titles_

When a Daughters member becomes an adult and knows what their skills are, they can gain a title that describes their job. For example a cat who has great hunting skills could have the title Huntress. 




  1. Once a cat reaches adulthood The Mouth carves a scar to their face. It is a symbol that they are part of The Daughters

  2. The Mouth is the oldest, wisest she-cat

  3. Your life's meaning is to worship the forest and The Below

  4. You must never reveal the location of The Daughters settlement

  5. You cannot kill for your own pleasure



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