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The Smiths of the Meadow

''Knowledge is power''

Group description


The Smiths of the Meadow are a peaceful group of former travelers, who have settled down onto an ancient Twoleg Village (real life inspiration 1900 Finnish family farms). Cats tend to come and go as they please, some deciding to stay for a lifetime while others decide to continue their travels. The ones who stay believe in safety in numbers and aiding each other. They are not as tightly knit in loyalty and family like the clans are, instead they are a bustling group of cats of all walks of life.


With no strict rules or hierarchies, these cats instead believe in communal service and sharing knowledge. You help others either with physical tasks or useful information and in turn you will be helped when you need it. The Smits are a safe haven for cats running away from their pasts, a place for cats to start anew without strict rules to follow. 


And who wouldn’t want to visit them? They are a jolly bunch of cats, often extroverted and eager to share what they know. They believe strongly in knowledge being shared and wisdom being the most powerful tool. They love to sing, to dance and to entertain others. They are masters of many crafts like wood carving and weaving.  Some say the Smiths are the closest to Swanclan out of the clans, not just by geography but by their way of living. 


Oddly enough these cats do not believe in any divinity, they simply want to live their lives and not think about Godly matters. After all, what use is it to worry about what some Gods are doing?

These cats have the most knowledge of Twolegs, as some are former kittypets.  



There is no hierarchy in the Smiths! The group is a safe place for cats from all paths of life and the only thing they care of is knowledge. There is no true ruler or sub classes, as the group is more like a settlement of cats who don't wish to travel. Families, elders and cats who simply have grown tired of traveling live here.


Typical names
Anything really, but most common ones are stone or sun related.


Typical Appearances
Anything really, but they tend to come in shades of red, ginger and cream. 



Knowledge, curiosity, individuality 


Typical skills

+ Storyteller, + Lore master

- Connection to Itha, - Connection to Jahi, - Religion


Location and territory​

These cats live north from Swanclan, in the vast meadows that separate the land. They live in an abandoned ancient twoleg village, filled to the brim with odd objects and trinkets. There are few log cottages that are overrun by greenery, homing many families and travelers. Overgrown paths of earth and gravel snake between each cottage, taking you from one den to another. They have a large marketplace where they trade goodies, information, laughs and stories with each other. This marketplace is located by the Forge where cats like to lay on the stone when it's heated by the sun.  

Their village is easy to find; worn out paths snake towards the village and you can hear cats with peculiar skills show off their talents miles away. 

It takes you a week to travel here from the Swanclan borders.




_The Never Ending Day_

Funnily enough, these cats share this celebration with the Clans. It's a celebration of Green Leaf, of long days and good hunting. During this day many cats like to travel to the Clans to partake in the ''original'' festivities, but the Smiths also host their own. Their celebration is more about life and warmth, and it has no political or religion based events. They eat plenty, tell stories, sing songs and go swim in the Lullaby Lake. 

_Journeying to Traveler's rest_

The Smiths like to journey to the Traveler's rest, often bringing food and nice things to upkeep the old barn. Cats are in rotation on who stays in the barn to look after travelers- some can stay for a moon but most stay only a few days before returning to their families. Isolation is not for the Smiths after all. 


Many young cats born to the Smiths often leave when they become young adults to see the world for themselves. Wandering is in the Smith's nature, and it is a tearful, entire village participating event when a young cat leaves them. They are often given many things to survive on and trade with during their travels like hides, trinkets, food and accessories. 


_Wood carving_
These cats love to make things, especially toys. They carve little toy animals out of softwoods like juniper and use them to trade for herbs and prey. They often gift them to newborn kits of the Smith’s as well, a little sentimental thing for them to carry with them. 

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