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The Sons of Blood and Storm

''You must be strong enough to endure the coming strom''

Group description


Brutal and dangerous, The Sons are not to be messed with. They are a result of clan cats who were exiled after Wildstar's (Mooseclan) reign. These cats were already murderous, ambitious and had no regard towards the warriorcode, so when they were exiled they decided to abandon the code. This disregarding of the code let them to become dangerous, unpredictable and vile. 


They have lost all their spiritual connection to Itha, but they still worship them almost zealously. After generations had passed they forgot the importance of having a sage, leader's nine lives and taking care of one another - instead the strong rule and the weak perish. They now see Itha as a calamity God, something to fear and respect. I n their minds the more blood you spill and the more harm you cause, the happier Itha will be. They do sacrifices and rituals to keep Itha's rage ''contained''.


The group is also very misogynistic and transphobic, only seeing value in biological male kits. Only males get to be named at birth, where as females have to earn their names. They earn their names by surviving the Harvest. 



The Sons are a male dominated group where only few select females are allowed to live in. Due to their history of once being clan cats, they still hold a similar hierarchy system as the clans. They group is lead by the strongest male, who has the title Tempest after their name. Tempest's second in command is called the Thunder. Tempest and Thunder are the two leading forces of the group and when a Tempest dies, the Thunder takes their place as the leader; similar to how the leader and deputy roles work in the clans.


When it comes to the rest of the cats in the Sons, your strength in battle and number of cats you have killed dictate your ranking. Cats who have killed multiple cats often get a title after their name describing their cruel acts. An example could be ''Myrsky The Revenant''. The Son's members are called either soldiers or warriors.


 Current Tempest

Click title to view

Northblood the Tempest [Massive fully white tom with heavy scarring] 


 Current Thunder

Click title to view

Tuoni the Thunder [Black long furred tom]


Typical names
Storm related names. Some have very typical clan like names with a prefix and a suffix., but it seen as a very old fashioned way to name someone. 



War, Loyalty, Strength, Tenacity, Itha


Typical skills

+ connection to Itha, + Fighting


- connection to Jahi, - storyteller


Location and territory

The Sons live the closest to the clans than any other group. They live in the forests beyond Mooseclan and Bearclan's territories, in an ancient forest mix of both clan's flora. Tall birches and pines are everywhere and the ground  is rocky and hard. It's a cruel yet ancient place, filled with mysterious mist and dangerous predators. It has it's own beauty, but The Sons have stripped it barren over years of over hunting. 


It takes you under a week to travel here from Mooseclan's or Bearclan's borders. 




Their camp is in a cave by a tall hill. It's dark and damp and a horrible place to live. Constant battles, training and yowls of fear and pain echo in the cave. Blood, bones and misery fill every corner of the cave. It is a world of its own, relishing in its hellish turmoil. 





_The Harvest_


Young cats that have reached 8 moons are sent out to survive for half a year on their own. These cats have not even left their home cave before this, and have not received any official  training. Most young ones try to run away during this time, only realizing that they have no idea how to survive alone. Most die, and those that have struggled to stay alive return back to The Sons. Daughters are named where as sons are given their first title. 


_Sacrificial Rituals_


The sons travel to other lands and ambush lone cats to sacrifice to Itha. Strange marks made from blood can be found around their bodies, and the trees around them have scratched runes and symbols on them. 


_Distaste for Clan life_

The Sons think that the Clan cats are weak, that their code only limits their potential. Speaking of them or their existence is prohibited. 



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